CSS Animatable Properties

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Property Animatable CSS Version
background see individual properties CSS1 + new properties in CSS3
background-color as a color CSS3
background-position as a repeatable list of a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() CSS1
background-size as a repeatable list of a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
border see individual properties CSS1
border-bottom see individual properties CSS1
border-bottom-color as a color CSS1
border-bottom-left-radius as a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
border-bottom-right-radius as a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
border-bottom-width as a length CSS1
border-color as a color CSS1
border-left see individual properties CSS1
border-left-color as a color CSS1
border-left-width as a length CSS1
border-radius see individual properties CSS3
border-right see individual properties CSS1
border-right-color as a color CSS1
border-right-width as a length CSS1
border-spacing as a simple list of length CSS2
border-top see individual properties CSS1
border-top-color as a color CSS1
border-top-left-radius as a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
border-top-right-radius as a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
border-top-width as a length CSS1
bottom as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
box-shadow as a shadow list CSS3
clip as a rectangle Deprecated: Not Supported in CSS3. CSS2
color as a color CSS1
column-count as an integer CSS3
column-gap as a length CSS3
column-rule see individual properties CSS3
column-rule-color as a color CSS3
column-rule-width as a length CSS3
column-width as a length CSS3
columns see individual properties CSS3
flex see individual properties CSS3
flex-basis as a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
flex-grow as a number CSS3
flex-shrink as a number CSS3
font see individual properties CSS1
font-size as a length CSS1
font-size-adjust as a number CSS3
font-stretch as a font stretch CSS3
font-weight as a font weight CSS1
height as a length, percentage or calc() CSS1
left as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
letter-spacing as a length CSS1
line-height as a number or length CSS1
margin as a length CSS1
margin-bottom as a length CSS1
margin-left as a length CSS1
margin-right as a length CSS1
margin-top as a length CSS1
max-height as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
max-width as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
min-height as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
min-width as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
opacity as a number CSS3
order as an integer CSS3
outline see individual properties CSS2
outline-color as a color CSS2
outline-offset as a length CSS3
outline-width as a length CSS2
padding as a length CSS1
padding-bottom as a length CSS1
padding-left as a length CSS1
padding-right as a length CSS1
padding-top as a length CSS1
perspective as a length CSS3
perspective-origin as a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
right as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
text-decoration-color as a color CSS3
text-indent as a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
text-shadow as a shadow list CSS3
top as a length, percentage or calc() CSS2
transform as a transform CSS3
transform-origin as a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() CSS3
vertical-align as a length CSS1
visibility as a visibility CSS2
width as a length, percentage or calc() CSS1
word-spacing as a length CSS1
z-index as an integer CSS2
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