HTML <menu> (Menu List or Command Menu) Tag

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Experimental: This is an experimental technology


<menu label="File">
  <button type="button" onclick="new()">New</button>
  <button type="button" onclick="open()">Open</button>
  <button type="button" onclick="save()">Save</button>
  <button type="button" onclick="saveas()">Save as</button>


The <menu> element is used to specifies a short list of items (<li> elements) that can occur in a menu of choices.


Traditionally, this looked like an unordered list under HTML 4 and prior versions; HTML5 intends to reintroduce this element as a user interface menu filled with command elements.

Note: This feature is included in the HTML5 specification, but has not been implemented in most mainstream web browsers.

Version: HTML 2, 3.2, 4, 4.01, 5

Standard Syntax


Browser Support



Attribute Value Description
label text Deprecated. Specifies a visible label for the menu
type context
Specifies type of menu to display

Global Attributes

<menu> element also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.

Event Attributes

<menu> element also supports the Event Attributes in HTML.

By Default CSS Value(s)

Most of the browsers will display the <menu> element with the following by default value(s)

menu {
  display: block;
  list-style-type: disc;
  margin-top: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: 0;
  padding-left: 40px;
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