HTML Global Attributes

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HTML Global Attributes

The element specific attributes, the HTML5 defines few attributes that are common to all elements. These attributes may be specified on all elements, with some exceptions where it is not relevant, such as elements found inside the <head> section of the document.

Attributes Value Description
accesskey character Specifies a keyboard shortcut for the element.
class className Specifies one or more class names for an element.
contenteditable true
Specifies whether the content of the element is editable or not.
data someValue Specifies custom data attributes on all HTML elements.
dir rtl
Specifies text direction for contents within the element.
draggable true
Specifies an element is draggable or not.
hidden hidden Specifies an element is not yet or no longer relevant.
id id Specifies a unique id for the element.
lang languageCode Specifies the content language of the element.
spellcheck true
Specifies if an element may be checked for spelling errors or not.
style styleDefinitions Specifies the CSS style for an element.
tabindex number Specifies tabbing order for an element (when the "tab" button is used for navigating).
title text Specifies the extra information for the element.
translate Defines if the content of an element must be translated or not. When "yes" value is set or the empty string (""), browsers will regularly translate all texts in the element, when "false" value is set, browsers will exclude the element in the translation process.
Is not used in HTML 4.01.
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