HTML <ilayer> Tag

❮ HTML Elements list

No standards support.

Note: Only supported by Netscape 4, 4.5–4.8


<ilayer name="background" bgcolor="red">
	<p>Layered content goes here.</p>


The <ilayer> Netscape 4–specific element allows the definition of overlapping content layers that can be positioned, hidden or shown, rendered transparent or opaque, reordered front to back, and nested.

An inflow layer is a layer with a relative position that appears where it would naturally occur in the document, in contrast to a general layer, which might be positioned absolutely, regardless of its location in a document.

The functionality of layers is available using CSS positioning, and page developers are advised not to use this element. It is presented solely for historical purposes in support of existing pages.

Standard Syntax


Browser Support



Attribute Description
above Specifies the name of the layer to be rendered above the current layer.
background Specifies the URL of a background image for the layer.
below Specifies the name of the layer to be rendered below the current layer.
bgcolor Specifies a layer’s background color. Its value can be either a named color or a color specified in the hexadecimal #RRGGBB format.
clip Specifies the clipping region or viewable area of the layer. All layer content outside that rectangle will be rendered as transparent. The clip rectangle is defined by two x,y pairs: top x, left y and bottom x, and right y. Coordinates are relative to the layer’s origin point, 0,0, in its top-left corner.
height Specifies the height of a layer, in pixels or as a percentage value.
left Specifies, in pixels, the horizontal offset of the layer. The offset is relative to its parent layer, if it has one, or to the left page margin if it does not.
name Specifies the layer a name that can be referenced by programs in a client-side scripting language. The id attribute also can be used.
pagex Specifies the horizontal position of the layer relative to the browser window.
pagey Specifies the vertical position of the layer relative to the browser window.
src Set the URL of a file that contains the content to be loaded into the layer.
top Specifies, in pixels, the top offset of the layer. The offset is relative to its parent layer, if it has one, or the top page margin if it does not.
visibility Specifies whether a layer is hidden, shown, or inherits its visibility from the layer that includes it.
width Specifies a layer’s width, in pixels.
z-index Specifies a layer’s stacking order relative to other layers. Position is specified with positive integers, with 1 indicating the bottommost layer.

❮ HTML Elements list