HTML usemap Attribute

❮ HTML Attributes


<img src="demo/desk.jpg" usemap="#image-map">

<map name="image-map">
    <area target="_blank" alt="Mobile" title="Mobil" href="demo/mobile.png" coords="174,432,285,626" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="computer" title="computer" href="demo/computer.png" coords="409,369,856,657" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="clock" title="clock" href="demo/clock.png" coords="1158,203,58" shape="circle">


The usemap attribute contains the URL of the image map to be used with the object/image.

The URL is generally a fragment identifier that references a location in the current document rather than a remote resource(URL).

Standard Syntax

<element usemap="#mapname">

Browser Support


Applies to:

The usemap attribute can be used on the following element:

Element Attribute
<img> usemap
<object> usemap

Attribute Values

Value Description
#mapname The partial URL (starting with #) of an image <map>map associated with the element.

More Examples


<object usemap="#image-map" data="demo/image.jpg" width="300" height="150"></object>

<map name="image-map">
    <area target="_blank" alt="Mobile" title="Mobil" href="demo/mobile.png" coords="174,432,285,626" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="computer" title="computer" href="demo/computer.png" coords="409,369,856,657" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="clock" title="clock" href="demo/clock.png" coords="1158,203,58" shape="circle">
❮ HTML Attributes