HTML media Attribute

❮ HTML Attributes


<a href="a-attr-media.html?output=print" media="print and (resolution:300dpi)">Open media attribute page for print.</a>


Specification suggests the value should be used to indicate whether a destination is appropriate for screen, print, PDA, and so on

Notes: This attribute is advisory.

Standard Syntax

<element media="value">

Browser Support


Applies to:

The media attribute can be used on the following element:

Element Attribute
<a> media
<area> media
<link> media
<source> media
<style> media

Possible Operators

Value Description
and AND operator
not NOT operator
, OR Operator


Value Description
all (Default) Suitable for all devices
aural Speech synthesizers
braille Braille feedback devices
handheld Handheld devices (like small screen, limited bandwidth etc…)
projection Projectors
print Print preview pages.
screen Screen of the devices
tty Teletypes and similar media using a fixed-pitch character grid
tv Television devices

Attribute Values

Value Description Example
width Specifies the width of the screen should targeted.min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (min-width:320px)
height Specifies the height of the screen should targeted.min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (max-height:640px)
device-width Specifies the width of the device screen should targeted.min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (device-width:600px)"
device-height Specifies the height of the device screen should targeted.min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (device-height:600px)"
orientation Specifies the orientation of the device value can be landscape or portrait media="all and (orientation: portrait)"
aspect-ratio Specifies the width/height of the screen should targeted.min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (aspect-ratio:16/9)"
device-aspect-ratio Specifies the device-width/device-height ratio of the screen should targeted.min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (aspect-ratio:16/9)"
color Specifies the bits per color of navigated page should be display. media="screen and (color:4)"
color-index Specifies the number of colors the navigated display can handle. min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (min-color-index:256)"
monochrome The bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer. min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="screen and (monochrome:3)"
resolution the pixel density (dpi or dpcm) of the navigated display. min- and max- prefixes can be used. media="print and (resolution:200dpi)"
scan Scanning method of a tv display. Values Can be "progressive" and "interlace". media="tv and (scan:interlace)"
grid the output device is grid or bitmap. Value can be "1" for grid, and "0" otherwise. media="handheld and (grid:1)"

More Examples

<area> Example

<img src="img/desk.jpg" usemap="#image-map">

<map name="image-map">
    <area media="screen and (min-color-index:256)" target="_blank" alt="Computer" title="Computer" href="img/computer.png" coords="365,99,905,783" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="Cup" title="Cup" href="img/cup.png" coords="1047,672,97" shape="circle">
    <area target="_blank" alt="Mobile" title="Mobile" href="img/mobile.png" coords="960,385,1040,541" shape="rect">
    <area target="_blank" alt="Book" title="Book" href="img/book.png" coords="175,426,96,527,20,664,232,755,298,628,364,505" shape="poly">

<link> Example

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demo/demo.css">
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demo/print.css" media="print">

<source> Example

	<source media="(min-width:650px)" srcset="demo/computer.png">
	<source media="(min-width:465px)" srcset="demo/clock.png">
	<img src="demo/mobile.png" alt="computer" style="width:auto;">

<style> Example

<style media="print">
body {background: tomato;}
h1 {color: white;}
p {font-family: monospace;}
❮ HTML Attributes