HTML headers Attribute

❮ HTML Attributes


	<th id="fname">First Name</th>
	<th id="lname">Last Name</th>
	<th headers="fname">John</th>
	<th headers="lname">Doe</th>


The headers attribute takes a space-separated list of id values that correspond to the header cells related to this cell.

Standard Syntax

<element headers="headerId">

Browser Support


Applies to:

The headers attribute can be used on the following element:

Element Attribute
<th> headers
<td> headers

Attribute Values

Value Description
headerId The value of this attribute must have the value of an id attribute of the th element that is targeted.


    <th id="fname">First Name</th>
    <th id="lname">Last Name</th>
    <td headers="fname">John</td>
    <td headers="lname">Doe</td>
❮ HTML Attributes