CSS ::backdrop Selector

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dialog::backdrop {
  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);


The ::backdrop selector is a box the size of the viewport which is rendered immediately beneath any element being presented in fullscreen mode.

This includes both elements which have been placed in fullscreen mode using the Fullscreen API and <dialog> elements.

The ::backdrop neither inherits from nor is inherited by any other elements.

When multiple elements have been placed into fullscreen mode, the backdrop is drawn immediately beneath the frontmost such element, and on top of the older fullscreen elements.

Note: ::backdrop neither inherits from nor is inherited by any other elements. No restrictions are made on what properties apply to this pseudo-element.

Version: CSS3

Standard Syntax

::backdrop {
  css declarations;

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.


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