CSS line-break Property

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p {
  width: 10em;
  margin: 0.5em;
  white-space: normal;
  vertical-align: top;
  display: inline-block;

.auto {
  line-break: auto;

.loose {
  line-break: loose;

.normal {
  line-break: normal;

.strict {
  line-break: strict;

.anywhere {
  line-break: anywhere;



The line-break CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.

Default value:auto
JavaScript syntax:

Standard Syntax

line-break: auto|loose|normal|strict|anywhere|initial|inherit|revert|revert-layer|unset;

Browser Support


Property Values

The following table describes the values of this property:

Value Description
auto Break text using the default line break rule.
loose Break text using the least restrictive line break rule. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers.
normal Break text using the most common line break rule.
strict Break text using the most stringent line break rule.
anywhere There is a soft wrap opportunity around every typographic character unit, including around any punctuation character or preserved white spaces, or in the middle of words, disregarding any prohibition against line breaks, even those introduced by characters with the GL, WJ, or ZWJ character class or mandated by the word-break property. The different wrapping opportunities must not be prioritized. Hyphenation is not applied.
initial Sets this property to its default value.
inherit If specified, the associated element takes the computed value of its parent element animation-delay property.
revert Reverts the cascaded value of the property from its current value to the value the property
revert-layer Rollback styles to the ones specified in previous cascade layers.
unset Resets a property to its inherited value if the property naturally inherits from its parent, and to its initial value if not.

Default CSS Property Values

selectors {
  line-break: auto;
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