CSS skew() Function

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.example {
  transform: skew(45deg, 20deg);

Hello World!


The skew() css function defines a transformation that skews an element on the 2D plane.

The coordinates of each point are modified by a value proportionate to the specified angle and the distance to the origin. Thus, the farther from the origin a point is, the greater the value added to it.

Version: CSS3

Standard Syntax

skew(angleX, angleY)

The skew() function is specified with either one or two values, which represent the amount of skewing to be applied in each direction.

If you only specify one value it is used for the x-axis and there will be no skewing on the y-axis.

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.


Function Arguments

The following table describes the arguments of this function.

Argument Description
angleX Defines the angle to use to distort the element along the x-axis (or abscissa).
angleY Defines the angle to use to distort the element along the y-axis (or ordinate). If not defined, its default value is 0, resulting in a purely horizontal skewing.

See also

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