CSS At-rules Reference

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The At-rules are CSS statements that instruct CSS how to behave. They begin with an at sign, '@' (U+0040 COMMERCIAL AT), followed by an identifier and includes everything up to the next semicolon, ';' (U+003B SEMICOLON), or the next CSS block, whichever comes first.

Standard Syntax


/* General structure */
@identifier (RULE);

/* Example: tells browser to use UTF-8 character set */
@charset "utf-8";

There are several regular at-rules, designated by their identifiers, each with a different syntax:


@identifier (RULE) {

A subset of nested statements, which can be used as a statement of a style sheet as well as inside of conditional group rules.

CSS At-rules Reference

The table below lists of all CSS At-rules reference:

Alphabetical Order Property Description
@charset Specifies the character encoding used in the style sheet.
@counter-style Define counter styles that are not part of the predefined set of styles.
@font-face Used to associate a font name to be used in a style sheet with some downloadable font.
@import Define style rules for multiple media types in a single embedded style sheet.
@keyframes Specifies the animation code.
@layer Used to declare a cascade layer and can also be used to define the order of precedence in case of multiple cascade layers.
@media Define style rules for multiple media types in a single embedded style sheet.
@namespace Defines XML namespaces to be used in a CSS style sheet.
@page Used to modify some CSS properties when printing a document.
@supports Specify CSS declarations that depend on a browser's support for CSS features.
@viewport Configure the viewport through which the document is viewed.
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